Seattle Dances! It was fun ... and I did not fall on my freaking a!%
I want to personally thank everyone for all their support and votes! I trained hard and danced my heart out Charleston-ing on stage. YES – it was stressful! But I’m happy to say I now know how to do something other than disco down, thanks to my dancing instructor Josh Welter!
It all came together this past Sat., Mar. 13th. The event started at 5:30 pm but I was up and getting ready at 11:00 am! I can’t say that I was that nervous … okay, who am I kidding? I was absolutely jittery and panicky! I’d rather shake up a cocktail or cook up a storm in front of thousands than do the Charleston in front of the judges. Sheesh!
The night started off with a signature cocktail called the Lizzie Highfly that my gang shook up in honor of a great 1929 Charleston dancer. It’s fresh raspberries, Pearl Vodka and fresh lemon juice, topped with a lush raspberry foam made with Monin Raspberry Syrup and a sprinkle of edible gold flakes!
hen there was a silent auction and then a live auction during dinner—I wasn’t really sure what went on during this time because I was in the green room getting ready!
The dancers took the stage at around 8:45 and we gave it our all! All the dance sets were incredible. You can watch the event on the Seattle Dances! website.
Because of your help, the other dancers and myself, as well as Plymouth Housing Group raised over $400,000! That’s just truly amazing! None of us could have done it without your amazing inspiration, great encouragement, and wonderful resolve to support the Plymouth Housing Group.

So congrats to all the winners—which in my book we all were! Even though Seattle Dances! is over now, I still want to keep on dancing! West Coast swing dancing anyone?
Razor Clam Lovers Unite!
It’s almost here! Sat., Mar. 27th in Ocean Shores, Washington. I will be hosting the 4th Annual Razor Clam Festival from 10:00 – 6:00 pm at the Ocean Shores Convention Center. It’ll be a clam-tastic event filled with lots of great activities: a clam dance, a clam chowder cook-off, and of course, razor clam digging!
A Firefighters' All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast will precede clam fest activities from 7:00–9:45 am. Tickets are $5 at the door. (The breakfast is ok but the firemen who serve it are HOT… and that just makes it better!)
Events will include live music all day long, an Artisans' Marketplace featuring NW artists, contests for the best–decorated clam shovel & clam gun (CRAFTERS take note!!) and a Kids Zone with visits from the Ocean Shores Pirates. And of course there’s lots of clam chowder, great Bloody Mary’s and plenty of good eats!
Come join me for fun clam festivities! Admission is $2 for adults, and children under 12 are free! A great deal for a weekend trip to enjoy some good salt air and get your fill of clams!
The Buzz is on …
…and the bees will be a lot closer than you think! The Ballard Dish D’Lish and Ballard Bee Honey have plans in the works to install hives in our back garden area. Beekeeper and honey man extraordinaire, Corky Luster, reassures us (and I’m not the biggest fan of bee stings!) that the bees are docile and super–passive. I know because all last summer his bees were zooming around our back garden—especially near our fennel—and didn’t mind me getting in their way at all.
Have you tried Ballard Bee Honey yet? If not, stop in Dish D’Lish and grab a bottle for yourself. It’s mighty delicious! And there is also a Bee Happy for Summer event in the works … stay tuned on Twitter!
Great Reads …
Spring means time to get outside, sit and soak up some rays and read a good book. Or cook from it, shake from it or just get inspired! Here are new books by my favorite friends and authors:
The Modern Mixologist by Tony Abou-Ganim – a must-have for the cocktail enthusiast.
Gourmet Game Night by Cynthia Nims – if you like playing games, eating and sipping then this is the book for you. Hey! I even got to be a taste tester when she was writing this book. I give it a full D’Lish recommendation!
Discover Cooking with Lavender by Kathy Gehrt – now you’ll know what to do with this beautiful flower—from appetizers to drinks.
Egypt – Yes, I am jealous I didn’t go!
But, hey, I’ve been to Miami for the Cheers Beverage conference … Vegas for the Night Club and Bar Show … BUT Keith Waldbauer, my Sr. Mixologist Associate, did get to go to Egypt, where he opened the new Fairmont Nile City’s bars and trained all the bar staff. Keith had an amazing trip. As you can see, he did squeeze in a little time for an adventure to the Giza Plateau … Keith how did you reach the top of that pyramid?!
That’s it for now. Wishing you a happy spring. Don’t forget to check out my blog for the most up-to-date recipes and foodie and cocktail news, or follow my adventures on Twitter. - Kathy
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